Our Services
Managing Across Cultures assists corporations with a variety of Leadership Coaching, Cross-cultural Training, Global Operations Assessments and Cross-border Consulting Services to harness the best potential of their people and aim for excellence in all their work across cultures.
Our President and many Managing Across Cultures associates
excel as Coaches, including serving on some of the best and exemplary
Senior Leadership & Executive Coaching Cadres of leading MNCs world-wide
some as Senior Coaches of many respected consulting firms.
For our range of specific
Training, Coaching and Consulting Services
for different audiences, please click on the relevant Target Audience below.
Target Audiences:
- Top Management & Senior Global Leaders
- Relocating Executives
- Teams Working with India
- HR Leaders
- Corporate Leadership/ HR Initiatives
- Global Teams
- People in Collaborations (Mergers & Acquisitions, Joint Ventures, Global R&D Centers,Outsourcing Ventures, BPOs etc.)
- Executive Education Centers
- International Educators
- Physicians & Health Care Professionals
- Conference Organizers
Top Management & Senior Global Leaders:
- Coaching Global Leaders
- Coaching Country Managers India (& other countries)
- Leadership Development for Global Leaders
- Planning and Implementing Your India Strategy
- Leading Cross-border Teams
- Leadership Development
- Training Country Managers for MNCs
- Going Global
- Doing Business with India
- Doing business with the USA, Japan and 30+ countries
- Country Briefings for Corporate Decision-makers (E.g. India, China etc.)
Relocating Executives:
- Pre-departure Training for Relocating Executives (and families)
- Relocating to India
- Living & Working in India
- Living & Working in the USA
- Critical Insights for Working Effectively with Indians
- Living & Working in Germany/ Sweden/ Japan (and 30 other countries)
- Relocating to Boston (/to the USA)
- Repatriation Training
Teams working with India:
- Cross-cultural Training for Multicultural Teams
- Cultural Challenges in Collaborating with India
- Cross-border Collaboration Training
- Doing Business with India or Indians
- Ensuring Indo-US Teams Excel
- Ensuring Indo-German Teams Excel
- Ensuring Indo-Swedish Teams Excel
- Ensuring Indo-Chinese Teams Excel
HR Leaders:
- Preparing Your People to Go Global
- Training HR Leaders for Indian Companies Going Global
- Training HR Leaders of MNCs in India
- Making your India ventures effective
- Assessing People Challenges in Global organizations
- Cultural Awareness Training for Global organizations
Corporate Leadership/ HR Initiatives:
- Values & Business Ethics Across Cultures
- Managing Cultural Differences
- Cultural Diversity Training
- Managing Across Cultures
- Aiming for Excellence
- Managing Change
- Preparing for the Future
- Creating the Corporate Culture Your People Want
Global Teams:
- Helping Global Teams Excel
- Ensuring Virtual Teams Succeed
- Communicating Across Cultures for Cross-border Teams
- Multicultural Teambuilding
- Working Effectively Across Cultures
People in Collaborations(Mergers & Acquisitions, Joint Ventures, Global R&D Centers, Outsourcing Ventures, BPOs etc.):
- Cultural Due Diligence for M&As or JVs
- Post Merger Cultural Integration Strategies and Training
- Strengthening Outsourcing Teams
- Bridging cultures in Joint Ventures
- Conflict Resolution Across Cultures
- Creating a new Corporate Culture
- Creating a Culture of Innovation for R&D Centers
- Cultural Challenges in Outsourcing & BPO operations
Executive Education Centers:
- All of the above
International Educators:
- Internationalizing Your University
- Internationalizing the Curriculum
- Cultural Challenges for International Student Advisers
- Cultural Orientation for International Students (In and from various countries)
Physicians & Health Care Professionals:
- Cross-cultural Health Care
- Doctor-Patient Communication
- Communicating Across Cultures in Health Care Settings
- Caring for Culturally Diverse Populations
Conference Organizers:
- All of the above topics
- All topics in the Keynote Topics column
Managing Across Cultures utilizes a range of creative methodologies, fun interactive activities and customized interventions to help facilitate the desired changes
If you would like further information about any of these workshops or want to discuss them, then please write to: araoz@managingcultures.com
Other Services
- Dr. Zareen Karani Araoz is called on as an India Specialist and Keynote Speaker by a range of organizations and leaders
- Cross-cultural Management Training for International Organizations like the UN
- Cross-cultural Training for Diplomats
- Global & Cross-cultural Management Education
- Executive Education
- Internationalizing Universities, including International Education
- Cultural Perspectives of Entry Strategies for setting up Operations in India
- Management Education
- Cross-cultural Health Care Training, including Doctor-Patient Communication