President, Managing Across Cultures

Keynote Speaker / Workshop Facilitator for:
- NASSCOM workshops on Going Global in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Delhi and Pune, India
- Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce for the Pravasi Bharati Divas in New Delhi, India
- CII EU-India Conference in Delhi, India
- UNESCO Conference on the Culture of Peace in Bali, Indonesia
- International Conference of Intercultural Communication at Lund University, Sweden
- SIETAR International (The Society for Intercultural Education, Training & Research) in Col Val D’Elsa, Italy; Granada, Spain; Munich, Germany; Kilkenny, Ireland; Lund, Sweden; Copenhagen, Denmark; Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Montego Bay, Jamaica; Denver, Boston and Washington DC, Pune, India; Curacao; Tokyo, Japan; Gratz, Austria; and Banff & Ottowa, Canada
- ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) Conferences in Florida, DC, New Orleans, Dallas, Denver and many other locations in the USA
- OD Network in San Diego, Dallas and other cities in the USA
- World HRD Forum, Mumbai, India
- Indian Management Association, Delhi
- Bombay Management Association, Mumbai and Mahableshwar
- Indo-US Chamber of Commerce, Mumbai and Pune
- Maharatha Chamber of Commerce, Pune
- UN Conference on Technology & Development, Manilla, Phillipines
- UNESCO Conference on Innovation in Moscow, Russia
- AIESEC Conferences in Poland, Germany, Hungary, Switzerland & USA
- NAFSA Conferences in Boston, DC, Miami, Aspen, Seattle, LA and other locations in the USA
- Chemical Week, Mumbai, India
- The National Petroleum Association Conference in Chicago and Ohio, USA
- The International Conference of Heart-Transplant Surgeons in Munich, Germany; and as a speaker and facilitator of workshops to conferences of Beth Israel Hospital, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital, Boston, USA
- TIE-CON Conference in Boston, USA
- Intercultural Management Institute Conference in DC, USA
- The European Association of Higher Education in Milan, Italy
- Linkage in Florida, USA
- Dag Hammarksjold Conference on People in Community Building in New Foundland, Canada
Besides being a Full Professor, Dr. Karani Araoz has been an invited speaker at several Universities, including
- The Universities of Stockholm, Uppsalla, Gothenburg, Lund and Linkoping, Sweden for many years;
- MIT, Cambridge, USA
- The Harvard School of Education, Cambridge, USA
- The Fletcher School, Tufts University, Boston, USA
- American University, USA
- University of Indianapolis, Bloomington, USA
- Cornell University, USA
- University of Pune, India
- University of Nicaragua, Nicaragua
- Management Department, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan;
- Symbiosis School of Management, Pune, India; and many others
Dr. Zareen Karani Araoz is a Senior Rotarian and Past President of the Rotary Club of Cambridge, USA. She has addressed numerous Rotary Clubs in India, USA and Sweden, and other community organizations with inspirational talks on a variety of topics, including Values, Communication, How to Lead Happier Life and others, making each talk different and relevant to the group and its needs.
To see the various Topics, please click here
To send an email to inquire about Speaking Engagements with Dr. Zareen Karani Araoz, please click here
Dr. Zareen Karani Araozis invited to address a variety of audiences on the following Topics and many others